Will King Tut Put Gold in YOUR Pocket?

Will King Tut Put Gold in YOUR Pocket?

King Tut has been making the news again lately. That’s quite an achievement for a boy king who has been dead for about 3,000 years. What’s the news? A group of archaeologists from Italy are about to take advanced imaging equipment into Tut’s tomb – equipment that can “see” through 40 feet of solid rock and take images – to determine whether there are additional chambers in the tomb that haven’t yet been explored... 

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What You Need to Know about Getting Value from Thin Layers of Gold

What You Need to Know about Getting Value from Thin Layers of Gold

All that glitters might be gold – either a lot of gold or just a little of it. There is only one way to tell. Call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners at 800-426-2344 and tell us what you have. We’ll explain how to send your items to our state-of-the-art labs for testing and evaluation. We can tell you just what you have, recycle it and issue you prompt payment at full current trading prices. 

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Hallelujah! Gold Prices Could Soon Bottom Out

Hallelujah! Gold Prices Could Soon Bottom Out

Did the headline of today’s post make you think, “That headline must be a mistake… why would anybody be happy if gold prices fell into the basement?” But there might be reasons for gold traders to rejoice if gold prices fall. We will explore some of them in today’s post. 

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Recycling Gold - Do Older or Newer Sources Give You the Greater Yield?

Recycling Gold - Do Older or Newer Sources Give You the Greater Yield?

I recently took a close look at the inner workings of an old stereo console that dates from the mid-1950s. It’s one of those “hi-fis” that were so popular back then. It doesn’t work anymore and would probably cause a fire if we left it plugged in, but it starts conversations. If you look inside, you’ll see that it contains an amplifier, a radio receiver, two big speakers, and even a turntable, all packed into a heavy piece of cabinetry. There are vacuum tubes, lots of wires, an antenna, and miscellaneous other components. But is there any gold inside? 

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