Finding Gold and Silver in Ceremonial Religious Items and Artifacts

The recent holiday services and celebrations remind us that precious gold and silver can be found in many ceremonial items that are used for religious purposes.

Here are a few reasons why this could be a good time to reclaim the gold and precious metals that religious items contain . . .

Photo of a church for sale, reminding people that you can find gold and silver religious items and artifacts that can be recycled profitably by

A Large Number of Religious Items Are Available Now

There are many reasons. One is that churches and synagogues with declining memberships are combining with other institutions. This is happening, for example, in New York City, where the Catholic Archdiocese has recently announced that dozens of churches will close their doors and join with other congregations. And similar things are happening with Jewish synagogues in some areas of the country, where congregations are merging.

Another reason is that in many parts of the country, Catholic schools are closing their doors due to declining enrollments. And many such school housed chapels with religious items in them that could become available.

Still another reason is that many churches and synagogues could benefit financially from selling older items that they do not use or need. (If you are a member of a congregation that could benefit from liquidating some, you could have a significant opportunity to help raise funds.)

If you search online for “antique religious furnishings,” you will find that many dealers and individuals are offering religious items for sale – usually at high prices. If you are a buyer, your strategy should be to watch news in your community and nearby cities and be on the alert for sales in which churches and temples are selling what they own.

Older Ceremonial Items Can Contain Large Quantities of Gold and Silver

Antique chalices and cups, candelabras, crucifixes and other religious items were often made of high-quality sterling silver (not silver plate) or karat gold. That means that if you find older items for sale, they are likely to contain quantities of valuable metals that can be profitably reclaimed by a qualified precious gold and silver refinery like us. Call us at 800-426-2344.

And don’t forget that architectural furnishings like lighting fixtures and even railings often contain quantities of precious metals too.

Want to Learn and Earn More?

For a confidential free conversation about recycling religious items, call us at 800-426-2344.

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